Nutritional Supplement in Hair Loss

Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of hair loss

The main type of hair loss in both sexes is male or female pattern hair loss (known as androgenetic alopecia) caused by an imbalance in the sex hormones or androgens in the body, sometimes associated with a hereditary or genetic predisposition to this condition

• AGA is caused by a progressive reduction in the diameter, length and pigmentation of the hair.
• Male-Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL), the hair loss typically presents itself as either a receding front hairline, loss of hair on the crown (vertex) of the scalp, or a combination of both.
• Female-pattern hair loss (FPHL) typically presents as a diffuse thinning of the hair across the entire scalp.

  • Ideal oral supplement in Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA)
  • It should help in Hair Recovery & Regrowth as a Nutritional Supplement
  • It should combine key Anti-oxidants, Anti-lnflammatory Agents & Botanical 5-a Reductase lnhibitors

Benefits of an oral supplement in Androgenetic Alopecia

It should help to restore and support thicker and faster growth of thinning hair through five key pathways:

  1. Supporting stimulation of hair growth
  2. Helping support in prevention of hair loss
  3. Nutritional support to help block DHT
  4. Delivering key antioxidants
  5. Supplying anti-inflammatory benefits

Ideal Ingredients of a hair growth supplement

Beta Sitosterol

  • Studies have shown plant phytosterols such as Beta-Sitosterol nourish and support a healthy and normal androgen sex hormone state in the body
  • They also nourish and support a more normal and healthy state of reduced inflammation

Omega 3 & 6 Fatty acids

  • Omega fatty acids are a key family of polyunsaturated fats. These are essential fats, obtained from dietary sources as body cannot synthesis in sufficient quantity
  • They help nourish and support a more normal and healthy state of reduced inflammation.
  • Inflammation is commonly associated with hair loss and other scalp disorders

Soy Isoflavones

  • Studies have shown Soy lsoflavones nourish and support a healthy and more normally balanced androgen sex hormone state in the body.
  • They provide potent antioxidant protection to help prevent oxidative stress-induced aging of the hair follicle


  • Melatonin is important in hair health. The anagen hair follicle (HF) produces melatonin internally.
  • Melatonin is a potent antioxidant-free radical scavenger with a capacity to help protect the follicle from effects of systemic stress.
  • Melatonin also helps nourish and support a healthy and normal androgen sex hormone state in the body.

Green Tea Extracts

  • Green Tea provides potent antioxidant protection to help prevent oxidative stress-induced aging of the hair follicle
  • It helps to reduced inflammation & balance the androgen level in body
  • Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, the main polyphenol in green tea, helps protect and stimulate the hair follicle and studies have shown it helps nourish and prolong the anagen growth phase.

Vitamin D

  •  Vitamin D pathway has been shown to regulate hair follicle biology in mammals and humans and is crucial for hair health.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased hair shedding

REFERENECE: Nichols, Anna & Hughes, Olivia & Canazza, Agnese & Zaiac, Martin. (2017). An Open-Label Evaluator Blinded Study of the Efficacy and Safety of a New Nutritional Supplement in Androgenetic Alopecia: A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 10. 52-56.


Male Pattern Hair Loss (Androgenetic Alopecia)

Male Pattern Hair Loss

What is male pattern hair loss?

Male pattern hair loss (MPHL) also known as androgenetic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss in men and affects about 50% of men over the age of 50.

What causes male pattern hair loss?

MPHL is caused by a combination of genetic and hormonal factors. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone causes the affected follicles to become progressively shorter in length, smaller in diameter, and lighter in color until eventually the completely shrink follicles stop producing hair.

Is male pattern hair loss hereditary?

Yes. It can be inherited from either or both parents.

What are the symptoms of male pattern hair loss?

Men become aware of hair loss or a receding hairline at any time after puberty. It is usually asymptomatic on scalp.

How does male pattern hair loss look like?

In androgenetic alopecia the usual pattern is a hair loss from the top of the head with a receding frontal hairline. Hairs in the affected areas become shorter in diameter, and smaller compared to hairs in unaffected areas.

How is male pattern hair loss diagnosed?

The diagnosis is based on the history of receding hairline or scalp hair loss on the front/ top of the head, the pattern(distribution) of hair loss and a family history. The skin on the scalp may look normal on examination.

How can male pattern hair loss be treated?

  • Licensed topical and oral treatments:

1) 5% minoxidil liquid or foam
2) finasteride tablets for men

  • Wigs and hair pieces
  • Skin camouflage
  • Surgical treatments

Self-care (What can I do?)

It is important to protect any bald areas of the scalp from sunlight to prevent sunburn and to reduce long-term sun damage.

07-01-2021 Male Pattern Hair Loss,

PRP Treatment for Hair Loss in Delhi

PRP Treatment for Hair Loss in Delhi

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is a nonsurgical treatment for hair-loss in which platelets are extracted from blood and are injected into areas with thinning hair on the scalp. PRP therapy is still not FDA-approved as hair loss treatment, however, the studies done on PRP have found it to be safe and effective for both  age-related hair loss and pattern baldness. It is considered an inexpensive, and less invasive treatment option to surgery. PRP stimulates the hair follicles, slows down hair loss and helps in new hair growth.

During PRP treatment, platelets are centrifuged from your blood and separated to concentrate the growth factors. After injecting into scalp, PRP increases the blood flow to hair follicles and stimulates the growth of new and dormant follicles. It lengthens the anagen (active) phase of the hair cycle resulting in increased number of hair follicles and increased thickness of the hair shaft.”

Pros and Cons of PRP therapy for hair loss?


  • PRP therapy is nonsurgical and safe with no downtime. The entire procedure takes about 45 minutes.
  • Both men and women respond well to PRP treatment in terms of increased hair thickness and growth
  • Primary objective of the PRP therapy is to slow down or stop the progression of hair loss.
  • This treatment is inexpensive as compared to  hair transplant surgery.


  • Results are temporary. Up to six treatments may be required spaced 4-6 weeks apart, and maintenance treatments every few months thereafter.
  • PRP results depend on the extent and duration of hair loss. The earlier PRP is administered after hair loss onset the better. People with long standing baldness and large areas of baldness don’t usually get good results in terms of hair regrowth, but PRP can still be used to stop further progression of hair loss. 
  • PRP does not work in 100% of patients. 
20-10-2020 Hair loss, PRP (platelet-rich plasma), PRP Treatment for Hair Loss in Delhi,

Linscan 808 Diode Laser Hair Removal With Scanning Technology

Hair Removal With Scanning Technology

What is the Linscan diode laser hair removal system?

Linscan diode laser combines innovative linear scanning technology with a powerful sapphire cooling glass and alarge treatment area (25mm by 10mm) resulting in fast and effective treatment.

How does it work?

In linear scanning technology a diode laser beam 0.75 mm by 10 mm is scanned atthe chosen skin area selectively inducing thermal damage to the hair follicles without injuring the surrounding skin. Thesedamaged hair follicles are either unable to produce new hairs, or produce very thin, tiny hairs only that are virtually invisible.

What makes the Linscan laser system special?

Pain: Linscan is equipped with powerful sapphire glass contact cooling that can be cooled down to as low as 0°C. The strong cooling effect provides comfort and minimizes pain. There is generally no need for a numbing cream anesthesia.

Speed: Linscan has a large treatment area and can deliver high fluences in short pulses to treat thin hairs.

How long does each treatment take?

Treatments can 5-60 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated.

The following are estimated times per session:

  • Back: 10-15 min
  • Face: 2-3 min
  • Armpit: 2-3 min

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend a total of 6-8 treatment sessionsat the following intervals:

  • Face, armpit and bikini line: 6-8 weeks
  • Chest and back: 6-8 weeks
  • Arms and legs: 6-8/10 weeks

Who can be treated with the Linscan laser?

Almost all hair colors (except white and gray) can be treated with the Linscan laser device. This treatment is safe for all skin types, including dark skin.

What parts of the body can be treated?

The most popular areas for females are facial hair, underarms and bikini line, and for males we see most requests to treat on chest and back hair and beard shaping. Linscan can remove hair from almost any part on the body where unwanted hair is present including face, back, chest, arm, underarm, bikini area, and legs.

When do the results appear and how long do they last with Linscan laser?

Results appear over several weeks and improve with each treatment. A gradual decrease in the hair thickness, amount of hair present is noticed over time. There is a decrease in stubble and ingrown hairs! The Linscan permanently reduces unwanted hair, but touch ups may be recommended depending on the desired results.

What will I look like immediately after the procedure? Can I go right back to my daily routine?

Mild redness may be experienced which generally resolves within a few hours.

Does it hurt? What does the treatment feel like?

The sapphire glass in the Linscan laser cools down to as low as 0°c. This strong cooling effect minimizes pain on contact, so there is generally no need for numbing creams. Most patients describe a pricking feeling with an increased sensation of heat or cold during the treatment.

Why are multiple treatments needed?

Our hairsgrow in 3 different stages. All hairsare never in the same stage at any time, so when an area is treated with laser only a percentage of hair follicles are affected. Therefore, to effectively reduce unwanted hair, multiple treatments are necessary.

Why do I have to wear the eyewear during laser procedure?

GME provides laser safety eyewear specific to the wavelengths of light that thelaser device emits. The light emitted from a laser or pulsed light device can cause eye injury. Everyone present in the treatment room is required to wear appropriate protective eyewear at all times when the laser is in use.

What are some uncommon indications of Laser Hair Removal?

Dermatological conditions associated with follicular pathology can be treated with LHR. These include chronic inflammatory disorders such as hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), pilonidal sinus disease (PSD) dissecting folliculitis, pseudofolliculitisbarbae (PFB), Acne keloidalisnuchae(AKN), Trichostasisspinulosa(TS), Keratosis pilaris(KP), Axillary hyperhidrosis and Hair-bearing skin flaps and grafts.

19-09-2020 Hair Removal, Hair Removal With Scanning Technology, Linscan diode laser,

Could it be female pattern hair loss?

dermatologist in jankapuri, Hair Loss Treatment jankapuri

Female pattern hair loss(FPHL) is a progressive condition of hair loss. This means women tend to continue losing their hair. Women, however, do not lose all of their hair, as do some men. Instead, hair parting often gets wider. Hair near the temples may recede. Without treatment, some women may eventually develop widespread thinning.

Dermatologists can help women win the fight against hair loss?

For women, the first sign of hair loss that noticed is a widening of their hair part or ponytail becomes smaller. Dermatologists are the experts in diagnosing and treating hair loss. A dermatologist can confirm whether it’s FPHL or some other cause that is causing your hair loss. Treatment can prevent hair loss from worsening and also help some women regrow their hair.  Best results are obtained when treatment is started at the first sign of hair loss.

21-10-2019 Dermatologist In Jankapuri, Female pattern hair loss, Hair Loss Treatment jankapuri,

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata Treatment In West Delhi, Alopecia Areata Treatment In Janakpuri, Alopecia Areata Treatment Clinic In West Delhi

Alopecia areata(AA) is an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss in children, women, and men. Hair loss in AA occurs in small, round smooth patches that may go away on their own, or may last for many years. Some people with AA (about 5%) may lose all their scalp hair (alopecia totals) or all scalp and body hair (alopecia universalist). The self-immune system, for unknown reasons, attacks the hair root and causes hair loss.

Who gets Alopecia Areata?

AA occurs world-wide in both genders and in every ethnic group. Children and young adults are most frequently affected, but people of all ages are susceptible. One in five persons with AA has a positive family history.

What are the signs and symptoms of AA?

AA usually presents with one or more small, round, coin-size, bare patches. It most commonly involves the scalp, but can occur on any hair-bearing site including eyebrows, eyelashes, and beards. AA usually is asymptomatic, but some may notice minor discomfort or itching prior to developing a new patch.

What causes AA?

AA is not contagious. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own immune system attacks the hair follicles. The exact cause is not known. A person’s particular genetic makeup combined with other factors may trigger AA.

What tests are done to confirm AA?

Your dermatologist may diagnose AA by clinical examination.

Is this a symptom of a serious disease?

AA is not a symptom of a serious disease and can occur in otherwise healthy individuals. People with AA may have a higher risk of asthma, atopic eczema, and nasal allergies, as well as other autoimmune diseases such as thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), and vitiligo.

Will the hair grow back?

The course of the disease varies from person to person. Some people lose a few patches of hair, the hairs regrow, and the condition never returns. Other people continue to lose and regrow hairs for many years. The potential for full recovery is always there, even in people who have lost all the hairs on their scalp and body (alopecia totals/universalis). Hairsmay regrow white or fine initially, but the original hair color and texture may return later.

What are the treatment options available?

There is no cure for AA. While available treatments promote hair growth, new patches of hair loss may continue to appear.

Corticosteroids- can be given as injection into the areas of hair loss, taken as pills, or rubbed into affected areas. Steroids that are rubbed into affected areas are less effective than injections. Oral Corticosteroids are not used routinely, but may be used in severe or non-responsive cases.

Topical minoxidil 5% solution— solution applied twice daily to the scalp, brow, and beard areas may promote hair growth in both adults and children with AA.

Combinationof treatments may add to the effectiveness.

Other Alternative approaches

Wigs, caps, hats, or scarves are important camouflage options. This may option for people with extensive scalp hair loss.

Does alopecia areata affect life?

Alopecia areata does not affect general health, and doesn’t interfere with your ability to achieve your life goals at school, in sports, in your career, and in raising a family.

The future

Immunomodulatory and other therapies are being explored and researchers continue to advance the treatment options for alopecia areata.

11-10-2019 Alopecia Areata Treatment Clinic In West Delhi, Alopecia Areata Treatment In Janakpuri, Alopecia Areata Treatment In West Delhi, Causes Alopecia Areata, signs and symptoms of Alopecia Areata, Treatment Alopecia Areata,

Facial And Skin Rejuvenation

Skin specialist in Dwarka

Skin is made up of collagen, elastin fibers and inter- cellular matrix which responsible to maintain its tautness, firmness and elasticity. Sun exposure, pollution, stress, smoking and ageing degrade the natural components of skin and make it dry, dull and lusterless. Age spots, pigmentation, open pores, wrinkles and fine lines are the manifestation of aged and damaged skin.

Facial Rejuvenation

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy(PRP)

Commonly known as PRP or vampire facial is a nonsurgical procedure that uses a platelet concentrate processed from your own blood. Natural platelets injected into the treatment area instruct the body to create new collagen for tighter, smoother and toned skin.

Pain Factor

PRP is a minimally invasive treatment. Atopical anesthetic cream is applied to numb the area being treated hence minimal discomfort is felt during the procedure.

Sessions Required

Around 3 sessions of PRP are recommended at monthly intervals.

Possible Side Effects

There are absolutely no side effects. It’syour own blood which is processed and reinjected in your body for the process of rejuvenation.

Before And After The Procedure

A daily skin care regimen consisting of a mild cleanser, quality moisturizer and 30 SPF+ sunscreen.

What To Expect From The Treatment?

Smooth, Healthy and Shiny Skin

Pigmentation, wrinkles, age spots and open pores are reduced. By stimulating the production of collagen, elastin and intercellular matrix, the skin become smooth, shiny and healthy giving a youthful appearance.

23-09-2019 Dermatologist In Janakpuri, Facial And Skin Rejuvenation, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy in Janakpuri, PRP Therapy in Janakpuri, Skin Specialist In Janakpuri,

Androgenetic Alopecia (Pattern Hair Loss)

Androgenetic alopecia

What is androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of progressive hair loss. It is also known as male-pattern baldness, female-pattern baldness, or just common baldness. It affects about 50% of men over the age of 50, and about 50% of women over the age of 65.

What causes androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenetic alopecia is caused by a genetically determined sensitivity to the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in some areas of the scalp. DHT shortens the growth (anagen), phase of the hair cycle, from a usual duration of 3–6 years to just weeks or months. The hairs produced by the follicles become progressively shorter in length, smaller in diameterand lighter in color; until eventually the follicles shrink completely and stop producing hair.

Is androgenetic alopecia hereditary?

Yes, genetic susceptibility to this condition can be inherited from either or both parents.Several genes are involved, accounting for differing age of onset, progression, pattern and severity of hair loss in family members.

What does androgenetic alopecia look like?

It is characterized by receding hairline and hair loss on the top and front of the head in males. Female pattern hair loss presents with thinning hair on the mid-frontal area of the scalp, with nearly complete preservation of the frontal hairline.

What treatment options are available for male pattern hair loss?

Current treatment options include:

  • Hair transplantation
  • Cosmetic camouflage-hair fiber
  • Micropigmentation (tattoo) to resemble shaven scalp
  • Hairpieces/Wigs
  • Minoxidil solution
  • Finasteride tablets (type II 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor)
  • Platelet rich plasma therapy
  • Low level laser light
  • Ketoconazole shampoo

Is hair loss just a cosmetic issue?

Hair loss can have a negative psychological impact and is associated with low self-esteem, depression, introversion, and feelings of unattractiveness.

Cover any bald patches with a hat or wig to protect to prevent sunburn and to reduce the chances of developing long-term sun damage.

18-07-2019 Androgenetic alopecia, Hair loss,