Hyaluronic Acid at its best: Cutting-Edge Bio-Remodeling Composition

Profhilo is an injectable, stabilized Hyaluronic Acid to remodel multi-layer skin tissue.

It is an anti-aging product that treats not only the aging symptoms but also the source of aging:

It is not a dermal filler, nor is it a skin revitalizer. Profhilo is an injectable, stabilized Hyaluronic Acid based product, designed to remodel multi-layer skin tissue.It is an anti-aging product that treats the source of aging and not only the aging symptoms.

a) Stimulates fibroblast cells, increasing collagen and elastin production.
b) Activates keratinocytes to increase collagen and elastin synthesis.
c) Preserves the viability of adipocytes .

Profhilo features the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid available in the market.

It contains 64 mg of pure hyaluronic acid (HA), produced without the use of chemical cross-linking agents .It requires fewer injections and sessions, treating even the most challenging areas such as the neck and upper hands.


1). Reduced number of treatments sessions

2. ) Reduced number of injections sites = Reduced discomfort

3.) Reduced or eliminated downtime

4) Highest HA concertation of 32mg/ml

5) Biological Activation with multi-level 3D Followability

10 reasons profhilo is better than dermal fillers

1. Synthetic Formula. The Profhilo formula combines two types of hyaluronic acid, both of which are 100% synthetic and pure.

2. Biocompatible Design. The injection is made with 100% hyaluronic acid with no added chemicals.

3. Highest Concentration. Profhilo combines low-molecular weight HA with high-molecular weight HA, which gives your skin twice the benefit. Every 2ml prefilled syringe has the highest concentration of HA available, totaling 64mg per dose.

4. Patented Discovery. Patented, cutting-edge technology is used to bind the low and high-molecular weight HA together. With increased stability, the compounds last for much longer inside your skin and are less likely to degrade.

5. Natural Healing. Profhilo stimulates the production of four different kinds of collagen and elastin. Cellular repair and remodeling happen from the inside out with results that no topical moisturizer or serum can ever match.Skin bio-remodeling literally changes the way that your skin looks and feels.

6. Solves Common Concern most women complain of : crêpe-y texture, sagging skin due to lack of elasticity, and dullness. Profhilo remodels the skin and overwrites these concerns with taut, glowing skin.

7. In-and-Out. One facial treatment includes five little injections on each side of your face, , There’s very little risk of bruising and literally no downtime. Any small red bumps that may be present at the injection site will clear up in as little as two hours.

8. Virtually Painless. Profhilo is injected into the skin with a needle by a trained dermatologist. The slow injection technique ensures that you’ll only feel a little pinch – absolutely no pain, swelling, or lingering irritation.

9. Effortless Maintenance. Profhilo hyaluronic acid anti-wrinkle treatment is complete after just two treatments, one month apart. Results last for a long time and patients notice dramatic improvements in both the dermis (how skin feels) and epidermis (how skin looks)!

10. Whole-Body Transformation. Complete skin bio-remodeling happens over the course of two months to transform aging and sagging tissue. Profhilo bio-remodeling for youthful skin repair on your neck, décolletage, and hands.

19-01-2023 https://www.dermastation.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/1.jpg

Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis

Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis

Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis commonly begins in childhood or around puberty. The sweating of the palms and soles is either continuous or phasic. When continuous, it is worse in the summer and not so clearly related to mentalstatus. When phasic, it is usually associated with minor emotionalor mental activity, and not markedly different in any season.

Complications and co-morbidities

Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis predisposes to vesicular eczema (pompholyx) and allergy to footwear constituents. Maceration of the skin in between toes maylead to both fungal and bacterial infection.

Disease course

Axillary and palmer hyperhidrosis may persist for few years, but usually spontaneously improve after the age of 25 years.


Thyroid function is seldom contributory.

Management of hyperhidrosis

Topical anticholinergics. Topical 0.5% glycopyrronium bromide cream is useful in gustatory hyperhidrosis and at0.5–2.0% for axillary hyperhidrosis

Eccrine (Sweat) duct-blocking agents. These drugs block thedelivery of sweat to the skin surface. Formalin 1% soaks and Glutaraldehyde 10% swabbed onto the feet helps some patients, but skin staining is a concernso is suitable just for the feet. Aluminium chlorhydrates –20% aluminum chloride in absolute ethanol can be tried for axillary hyperhidrosis.

Iontophoresis. Tap water iontophoresis is a satisfactory option for palmo-planter hyperhidrosis.

Botulinum toxin A injection. Intradermal injection of BOTOX produces a marked reduction of sweating in hyperhidrotic areas. Benefit normally lasts for up to 8 months in axillary and 6 months in palmar hyperhidrosis.


Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology, Ninth Edition

23-11-2020 https://www.dermastation.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/palmoplantar-hyperhidrosis.jpg Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis,

Seborrhoeic Dermatitis



Pityriasis capitisor Seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD) is a common, chronic, relapsing condition characterized by reddish scaly patches and variable itching. It affects the scalp, face and central chest-areas with a high density of sebaceous(oil) glands. On scalp without inflammation it isreferred to as dandruff or pityriasis capitis.

Malassezia (Pityrosprum) yeasts are associated with SD and cause dandruff through indirect and possibly immunological mechanisms.


Dandruff affects up to half of the world’s population post puberty.

Environmental factors

Dandruff (SD) occurs more commonly in winter and usually improves with sun exposure.

Clinical features

SD (dandruff) onsets in early adult life with localized inflammation and superficial flaking of the skin. It runs a chronic relapsing course. Facial involvement with fine flaking of skin with mild redness is seen around nasolabial folds,ear creases, eyelids, medial eyebrows, and in the external ear canals. Scalp involvement ranges from mild flaking to inflammatory dermatitis with thicker, yellowish, greasy scales and crusts. Involvement of the anterior eyelid margin may occur in SD and presents with flaky debris on the eyelashes.

Disease course

SD is generally considered to be a chronic complaint, with flares and requires long term treatment.


There is no definitive cure for SD (dandruff). Long term maintenance treatment is required but some patients only use treatment intermittently for acute, symptomatic flares. Topical antifungals shampoos are the mainstay of therapy due to their safety in all ages.


Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology, Ninth Edition

20-11-2020 https://www.dermastation.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Dandruff.jpg Dandruff, Seborrhoeic Dermatitis,

Xanthelasma palbebrum


Xanthelasmas are plane xanthomas that develop around the eyes.

Associated diseases

Xanthelasmas are seen in Familial Hypercholesterolemia, type III hyperlipoproteinaemia and chronic cholestasis, but are also seen in people with normal circulating lipid levels.

Clinical features

Upper eyelids and medial canthus are the most commonly affected areas. They are relatively soft and color range from pale yellow to yellow orange.

Complications and comorbidities

Xanthelasmaisan independent predictor of coronary heart disease.


Full lipid profile and liver function test.


Xanthelasmasarea cosmetic problem. Treatments options include surgical excision, topical trichloracetic acid, electrocauteryor CO2 lasers. They may often recur after treatment.

17-11-2020 https://www.dermastation.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/xanthelesma.jpg Xanthelasma palbebrum, Xanthelasmas,

Zoster (Herpes zoster, Shingles)


Zoster is a unilateral eruption due to reactivation of latent VZV (Varicella zoster virus).


  • Herpes zoster
  • Shingles

Causative organisms

Reactivation of latent VZV.

General Description

Zoster is affliction of people who have previouslyhad varicella(chickenpox). Zoster patients are infectious and in susceptible contacts of zoster, chickenpox can occur.


The mean age of zoster patients is about 60 years.

Predisposing factors

An earlier infection with chickenpox(varicella) is essential before zoster. Chickenpox occurs commonly in childhood and zoster in middle to older age.

Clinical features

The first manifestation of zoster is usually varying degree of pain. Closely grouped red fluid filled lesions develop in a dermatome with a striking cut off at the midline.

Post herpetic neuralgia

The commonest sequel of zoster is postherpetic neuralgia, defined as persistence of pain more than a month after the onset of zoster. PHN increases in incidence and severity with age. It is more likely to develop if there is prolonged and severe pain associated with the eruption. The pain may be a continuous burning sensation with hyperesthesia, or a sudden shooting type, but aitchy ‘crawling’ sensation may also occur.

Disease course

The pain and symptoms subside gradually as the eruption disappears. In uncomplicated cases recovery may take 2–3 weeks in young, and 3–4 weeks inolder patients.


Shingles is a self limiting infection, but it is painful, and post herpetic neuralgia may occur.

Measures to counteract the infection, provide analgesia and facilitate healing are required.

Rest and analgesia may be sufficient for mild attacks of zoster in the young. Soothing topical preparations relieve discomfort. An antiviral is required for painful zoster infections, in facial zoster and in the immunocompromised. Treatment should start as early as possible, preferably within the first 24-48 hours. Antiviral treatment prevents progression of eruption, reduces the systemic complications of zoster, and lessens the pain during treatment.


Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology Ninth Edition

17-11-2020 https://www.dermastation.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/zoster.jpg Herpes zoster, Zoster,

Ingrown toenail (Onychocryptosis)

An ingrown toenail is a common problem where the nail grows into the toe. Ingrown toenail usually affects the big toe.


  • Soak the affected toe in warm water 3 to 4 times a day – this decreases the swelling of skin and prevents the nail growing into it.
  • Wear wide, comfortable shoes or sandals.


  • Do not cut the toenail – allow it to grow out.
  • Do not wear tight, pointy shoes.

Surgical Treatment

  • Consult your dermatologist in case conservative (non-surgical) management fails.
  • Nail Avulsion under local anesthesia followed by phenolisation of the lateral matrix horn can be performed by your dermatologist.

Post Surgical Care

  • Bed rest for one day.
  • Restricted activity for two weeks.
  • Normal routine activity can be resumed from 3rd week.
05-10-2019 https://www.dermastation.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/ingrown-nail.jpg Dermatologist In Janakpuri, dermatologist in West Delhi, Ingrown Toenail, Ingrown Toenails Treatment in Janakpuri, Ingrown Toenails Treatment in West Delhi, Nail Avulsion,