Profhilo Treatment in Delhi

How does Profhilo work?
Profhilo promotes multilevel and dynamic remodelling of extracellular matrix in terms of elasticity and support promoting and maintaining viability of fibroblast, keratinocytes and adipocytes.

Where can Profhilo be used?
Profhilo is indicated for treatment of the face and body for contours redefinition and laxity remodelling. However it is particularly indicated for treatment of the malar-zygomatic, sub malar.

What results can I expect with the Profhilo treatment?
Redefinition and laxity remodelling of the face and body.

How long will it take for the procedure?
Profhilo procedure is a lunch time procedure. treatment takes around 30 minutes (per session) to be completed.

What is the expected downtime after treatment?
The downtime is minimal. When injected using the five point technique (BAP) on each side of the face, each insertion is immediately noticeable. However, they start diffusing very quickly and they disappear within a day.

What are the post procedure advice after Profhilo treatment?
It is recommended to avoid physical strain and sports for 24 hrs. Please also avoid having further cosmetic procedures for 48 hours. It is not recommended to have sauna or steamy bath for the first few days. It is best to stay out of the sun if any bruising or prolonged swelling occurs.

Are there any side effects associated with Profhilo?
During the use of Profhilo, symptoms such as pain, sensation of heat ,reddening or heat may appear at the injection site. These secondary emergencies can be relieved by applying ice to the treated area. They generally disappear in a short period of time. Patient should notify doctor of any undesired effects which occur after the treatment.

What are the contraindications of Profhilo?
Profhilo must not be used in concurrence with treatments such as laser resurfacing and medium deep skin- peeling.  

Who can administer Profhilo?
The intradermal injection of Profhilo shall be administered only by a qualified and trained medical practitioner.
