Best Laser Hair Removal Machine For Indian Skin

GME (German Medical Engineering) hair removal devices use a technology known as “linear scanning” in which a small laser beam is scanned across the treatment area. This process is similar to a photocopy machine. The advantage of this technology is to combine high fluence and short pulses with a large spot size.

Lighter hair requires higher fluence than dark or black hair since less laser light will be absorbed. Short pulses are necessary to remove fine hair otherwise the heat generated by the laser light will diffuse to the surrounding skin. For high fluence in a short time duration your laser has to be powerful. To be precise, it must have a certain power density which is measured in watt per centimeter square.

Thick hair can be removed with almost any laser. At least 300 watts per centimeter square are necessary i.e. 30 joules in 1 hundred milliseconds. For the removal of medium thickness hair here 1000 watt per centimeter square are required i.e. 30Joule per centimeter square have to be applied in 30 milliseconds pulse duration.

For the removal of fine hair pulse duration should be 10 milliseconds or less. 3,000 watt per centimeter square are necessary for removal of very fine brown, blonde hair.

There are many different diode lasers on the market separated in four classes. Lasers that are powerful enough to remove fine hair but have rather small spot sizes.Laser that have a large spot but not the power to remove medium or fine hair.Lasers which use a lot of total power and lasers using their own special technique for hair removal.

Lin Scan combines large treatment areas with high power density. This is possible due to the linear scanning technology that LinScanis able to remove fine hair in patients with dark skin.

22-01-2021 Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal,

Laser Hair Removal For Darker Skin

Laser Hair Removal

LinScan Laser Hair Removal solution for treating darker skin types.

Just a few years ago LHR was seen as an option only for high-profile or financially blessed people and not for the common person. The first generation of LHR machines were primarily effective oncertain skin and hair types. Patients with darker skins have been limited with laser hair removal treatments. The challenge with many devices is that they are not versatile meaning they caneither be used only for skin types 1234 or only skin types 5 and 6. In the past cost time and pain involved also did notalways equate to what patients envisioned. Because of the young technology many potential patients just wouldn’t risk spending money on something that wouldn’t work on their particular skin type.

Those days are over.

Introducing LinScan (Clear + Brilliant Pelo in USA) the game changer in laser hair removal. It combines first-in-class linear scanning with advanced technology to effectively treat patients of all skin types.The linear scanning uses a diode laser beam to scan the chosen skin area selectively treating hair follicles without injuring the surrounding skin.

TheLinScan (Clear +Brilliant Pelo in USA) laser beam features high power density allowing for high fluences in short pulses. Therefore, resulting in a remarkably effective treatment regardless of the patient’s skin or hairtype. Whetherit’s a fair skinned blonde with fine hair or an Asian with darker or thicker hair LinScan’s (Clear + PrilliantPelo in USA) intuitive technology suggests predetermined yet customizable settings for each patient’s individual needs.These predetermined settings have been customized based on years of clinician experience and publications so whatever the skin type, whatever the hair texture, desired results can be achieved. It’s an extremely fast treatment & coversa large area in a small amount of time. With its integrated contact cooling system LinScanoffers a minimally painful experience.

We Can Deliver The Results That Every Patient Of Lhr Has Been Waiting For.

18-01-2021 Laser Hair Removal,

Treatment Options for Male Pattern Hair Loss (Androgenetic Alopecia)

Male Pattern Hair Loss

Medical treatment

Minoxidil:  5% minoxidil liquid or foam application to the scalp helps to slow down the progression of hair loss and may partially restore hair. Minoxidil liquid or foam is applied on the affected scalp (not the hair) using a pump spray or dropper device. It is spread evenly over the hair loss affected area lightly and does not need to be massaged in. Minoxidil can cause skin dryness, redness, itching and/or scaling at the site of application and should not be applied on cuts or open wounds. It should be used for at least 6 months before any benefit may be noticed. Any response obtained is only maintained for as long as the treatment is continued. Minoxidil may cause hairs to fall initially during the first 2-8 weeks of treatment, and usually this subsides when new hairs start to grow.

Finasteride: Finasteride tablets reduce levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone, slows down hair loss and helps in regrowth of hair. Continuous use for 3 – 6 months is required before a benefit can be usually seen. Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction are recognized side-effects of this treatment. Beneficial effects on hair growth are lost within 6 to 12 months of discontinuing treatment.

All topical and oral treatments work only till the time treatment is continued.

Camouflage treatment

Wigs and hair pieces:

Wigs, toupees, and hair extensions are helpful in disguising hair loss. There are two types of hairpiece; synthetic or made from real hair.

Synthetic wigs and hairpieces usually last about 6 -9 months, are easy to wash and maintain, but may be susceptible to heat damage and are hot to wear.

Real hair wigs or hairpieces look more natural, can be styled easily and are cooler to wear.

Skin camouflage:

Spray preparations containing small, pigmented fibers help to disguise hair loss affected area. These preparations wash away if the hair gets wet, and only tend to last between shampooing.

Surgical treatments:

Surgical treatment includes.

  • hair transplantation, a procedure where hair follicles are taken from the sides and back of the scalp and transplanted onto the bald areas; and
  • scalp reduction, where a section of bald area is excised, and the hair-bearing scalp is stretched to cover the gap. Tissue expanders are used to stretch the skin.
  • Platelet rich Plasma Therapy: PRP is a safe and effective hair loss treatment. The procedure involves blood centrifugation that separates red blood cells from plasma. Plasma rich in platelets containing growth factors is injected into the patient’s hair follicles. Injections are given once a month for the first three months, and then once every three to six months thereafter. Patients may notice less loss of hair after therapy. PRP therapy has high success and satisfaction rates in patients with hereditary hair baldness or thinning. PRP may be used as an adjuvant with other medical treatments to give patients the best possible results.


Protect bald areas of your scalp from sun to prevent sunburn and to reduce the chances of developing long-term sun damage.

12-01-2021 Hair loss, Male Pattern Hair Loss,

Male Pattern Hair Loss (Androgenetic Alopecia)

Male Pattern Hair Loss

What is male pattern hair loss?

Male pattern hair loss (MPHL) also known as androgenetic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss in men and affects about 50% of men over the age of 50.

What causes male pattern hair loss?

MPHL is caused by a combination of genetic and hormonal factors. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone causes the affected follicles to become progressively shorter in length, smaller in diameter, and lighter in color until eventually the completely shrink follicles stop producing hair.

Is male pattern hair loss hereditary?

Yes. It can be inherited from either or both parents.

What are the symptoms of male pattern hair loss?

Men become aware of hair loss or a receding hairline at any time after puberty. It is usually asymptomatic on scalp.

How does male pattern hair loss look like?

In androgenetic alopecia the usual pattern is a hair loss from the top of the head with a receding frontal hairline. Hairs in the affected areas become shorter in diameter, and smaller compared to hairs in unaffected areas.

How is male pattern hair loss diagnosed?

The diagnosis is based on the history of receding hairline or scalp hair loss on the front/ top of the head, the pattern(distribution) of hair loss and a family history. The skin on the scalp may look normal on examination.

How can male pattern hair loss be treated?

  • Licensed topical and oral treatments:

1) 5% minoxidil liquid or foam
2) finasteride tablets for men

  • Wigs and hair pieces
  • Skin camouflage
  • Surgical treatments

Self-care (What can I do?)

It is important to protect any bald areas of the scalp from sunlight to prevent sunburn and to reduce long-term sun damage.

07-01-2021 Male Pattern Hair Loss,

Laser Hair Removal for Hirsutism in Delhi

Laser Hair Removal for Hirsutism in Delhi


Hirsutism is excessive growth of dark, thick and coarse hair in a female in a male pattern. If the excessive hair is generalised and not in a gender specific pattern, the term is ‘hypertrichosis’, which means increased (‘hyper’) hair (‘trichosis’).

Hirsutism is caused by an increased androgen (male hormones) production, or increased skin sensitivity to androgens, or both. In premenopausal women, most common cause of hirsutism is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Treatments for hirsutism without any underlying cause include:


  • Shaving. Stubble that follows regrowth may be undesirable and frequent shaving may irritate the skin.
  • Waxing should be used with caution on the face. Folliculitis and scarring can occur.
  • Depilatories creams dissolve hair shafts, may irritate your skin. First test your skin with the product to prevent allergy.
  • Bleaching creams make the dark hairs pale. They may irritate the skin and can be unsuitable for dark skin.

Physical treatments

  • Electrolysis. An electrical current is passed into a hair follicle through a needle to destroy the hair root permanently.
  • Laser treatments destroy the hair root permanently. Possible side effects include redness, darkening or lightening of the skin, and scarring. Total compliance is required; this will include no sun bathing (or fake tanning) and cessation of all forms of hair removal, with the exception of shaving.

Medical treatments

  • Eflornithine cream. works by slowing hair growth.
  • Anti-androgens block the action of the androgens that cause hirsutism.
07-01-2021 Laser Hair Removal for Hirsutism in Delhi,