GME (German Medical Engineering) hair removal devices use a technology known as “linear scanning” in which a small laser beam is scanned across the treatment area. This process is similar to a photocopy machine. The advantage of this technology is to combine high fluence and short pulses with a large spot size.
Lighter hair requires higher fluence than dark or black hair since less laser light will be absorbed. Short pulses are necessary to remove fine hair otherwise the heat generated by the laser light will diffuse to the surrounding skin. For high fluence in a short time duration your laser has to be powerful. To be precise, it must have a certain power density which is measured in watt per centimeter square.
Thick hair can be removed with almost any laser. At least 300 watts per centimeter square are necessary i.e. 30 joules in 1 hundred milliseconds. For the removal of medium thickness hair here 1000 watt per centimeter square are required i.e. 30Joule per centimeter square have to be applied in 30 milliseconds pulse duration.
For the removal of fine hair pulse duration should be 10 milliseconds or less. 3,000 watt per centimeter square are necessary for removal of very fine brown, blonde hair.
There are many different diode lasers on the market separated in four classes. Lasers that are powerful enough to remove fine hair but have rather small spot sizes.Laser that have a large spot but not the power to remove medium or fine hair.Lasers which use a lot of total power and lasers using their own special technique for hair removal.
Lin Scan combines large treatment areas with high power density. This is possible due to the linear scanning technology that LinScanis able to remove fine hair in patients with dark skin.